ROMIP: Russian Information Retrieval Evaluation Seminar

 General principles 
 Test collections 
 Relevance tables 


Format of tasks set for ad hoc search tracks

Tasks set is a an XML file with the following structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251" ?>
<task-set xmlns:romip="" collectionId="ROMIP-Web2007" id="web-adhoc-2008">
              <!-- for ad hoc search in the collection of legal documents collectionId="ROMIP-Legal2007" id="legal-adhoc-2008" -->
              <!-- for ad hoc search in the mixed collection              collectionId="ROMIP-Mixed2007" id="mixed-adhoc-2008"-->
	      <!-- for similar documents search                           collectionId="ROMIP-Mixed2007" id="mixed-feedback-2008"-->
<romip:header xmlns:romip="">
  <romip:license type="public" uri="" /> 
  <romip:description>This file contains tasks for adhoc track...</romip:description> 

<task id="30560">
	<querytext>text of query</querytext>
        <document id="" collectionId="ROMIP-Web2007"/>

<task id="31034">
	<querytext>text of query</querytext>
	<document id="901876063" collectionId="ROMIP-Legal2007"/>

<task id="35338"><querytext>text of query</querytext></task>

Document tag is optional. It contains an URL of sample relevant document and is used for simular documents search track.