- February 15 2020
Yandex open sourced two test collections used by ROMIP!
- December 07 2014
We are happy to announce two shared tasks of semantic similarity
evaluation: the relatedness and the association tasks. These tasks are quite
accessible, so we encourage both beginners and experts to participate. Short
descriptions of the tasks are given below. Potential participants should
register in order to participate here as soon as
- January 15 2013
The results of sentiment analysis tracks are send to all the participants.
- December 15 2012
We invite everyone to participate in theMachine Translation Evaluation Workshop.
- December 3 2012
Test collections released. All collections were send to the participants.
- November 9 2012
A new Russian sentiment lexicon is published. It contains sentiment words from various product domains.
- November 6 2012
The registration is closed. Training data is avaliable for the participants.
- October 24 2012
Registration will be opened till November 4.
In a few days all registered participants will recieve e-mails with instructions how to obtain training data.
- October 11 2012
We invite everyone to participate in the new cycle of ROMIP seminar. Registration is opened.
- September 20 2012
ROMIP evaluation seminar was presented during the CLEF'12 conference.
- June 1 2012
On the first of June during the Dialog conference the ROMIP round table took place. There were 7 oral presentations and open discussion of the sentiment analysis problems in Russian.
ROMIP'2011 papers can be found here.
- December 28 2011
All results are sent to the participants. Presentation and discussion of the results will take place during the Dialog conference.
- October 20 2011
The official start of the ROMIP'2011.
Each participant should fill the registration form.
Registration deadline is November 1, 2011.
- September 25 2011
We invite everyone to the discussion about new sentiment analysis track at the forum!
- October 15 2010
ROMIP'2010 took place in Kazan and was collocated with RCDL'2010.
More then 60 researchers from academia and industry took part in the conference. There were 10 oral presentations followed by
the round table.
ROMIP'2010 proceedings can be found in the full list of publications (in Russian).
If you are looking for more information or would like to make suggestion,
please join our forum
and post your questions and proposals there.
Comments about mistypes and website should be send directly to romip[AT]romip.ru.