2nd Russian Summer School in Information Retrieval
September 1-5, 2008, Taganrog


ROMIP: Russian Information Retrieval Evaluation Seminar Taganrog Technological Institute of Southern Federal University Russian Foundation for Basic Research

Golden sponsors

Yandex Rambler

Bronze sponsors

Google HP Labs

Financial Support


The RuSSIR Organizing Committee established a limited number of grants covering participants' accommodation and/or travel expenses.

Grant application deadline is extended to midday May 19, 2008 (Moscow time, GMT+3). Results of the selection will be announced by May 26 27, 2008. If you are going to apply for a grant, please do not register before a notification of your grant application results.

Grant applications applications should be submited by email and must include:
- resume with your personal data, affiliation, and position, English language proficiency test results (for non-native speakers), grade point average;
- desired grant type: travel grant (with approximate cost) and/or accommodation;
- description of scientific interests and practical experience in the field of Information Retrieval, as well as statement of purpose;
- a letter of recommendation signed by your scientific advisor or senior colleague (can be sent by fax).

Selection criteria. Preference will be given to graduate and post-graduate students with distinct research interests and achievements in the field of Information Retrieval, supported by the recommendations. A paper submitted to the Young Scientists' Conference within RuSSIR'2008 is an advantage. Permanent residents of Russia will have preferences if other conditions are equal.

Grant applications should be sent to: megorski[at]yandex[dash]team[dot]ru, with Subject "RuSSIR2008 grant application".

Letters of recommendation can be sent to: +7 (495) 739 7070 (Attn: Boris Megorsky).


Please send all inquiries to school[at]romip[dot]ru.