2nd Russian Summer School in Information Retrieval
September 1-5, 2008, Taganrog


ROMIP: Russian Information Retrieval Evaluation Seminar Taganrog Technological Institute of Southern Federal University Russian Foundation for Basic Research

Golden sponsors

Yandex Rambler

Bronze sponsors

Google HP Labs

School Venue

The school will be held in Taganrog, Russia on the premises of the Taganrog Technological Institute of Southern Federal University (TTI SFU).

TTI SFU is one of the leading engineering training facilities in Russia. The Institute was established in 1952 in Taganrog, an industrial, commerce and port city in the south of Russia. The city was founded by Peter the Great in 1698 as a fortress on the Sea of Azov near the mouth of the Don River.

The population of Taganrog is close to three hundred thousand. There are several large enterprises: the biggest European boiler-manufacturing plant, automobile plant, aircraft company, the steel mill, several electronics companies and others. Taganrog is well known as the birthplace of the prominent Russian writer Anton Chekhov. Distinguishing features of the city are its numerous museums, historical monuments, parks, gardens and beaches. Proximity to the sea, fresh air and a lot of sunshine provide excellent conditions for living, working, and recreation.

Taganrog is situated in the southwest of Rostov region, near to the border with Ukraine. The city is main junction for railway and sea routes between Caucuses, Ukraine, and Central Russia. The nearest international airport is in the regional center Rostov-on-Don within a distance of 80 kilometers from the TTI SFU campus. It serves direct flights to Germany, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, and other European, Asian and African countries.

The TTI today is a young, rather small, fast developing and very specialized institution of higher education, with academic and research activities mainly concentrated in telecommunication, electrical and computer engineering, computer science and related areas. The Institute comprises seven colleges, including a college of distance education, research institute of multiprocessor computing systems, three design bureaus, and an experimental plant. The total enrollment in TTI is more than 11,000. The Institute joins about 650 faculty members, including 80 Professors and more than 450 Doctors of Science. More than 40 faculty members are active and correspondent members of national and international academies.

Location of the hotels, transport stations of Taganrog and RuSSIR sites can be found here.

Useful Links


Please send all inquiries to school[at]romip[dot]ru.