4th Russian Summer School in Information Retrieval
September 13-18, 2010, Voronezh


ROMIP: Russian Information Retrieval Evaluation Seminar Voronezh State University

Golden sponsors

Yandex Google

Silver sponsor


Bronze sponsors

Microsoft Research

SKB Kontur


Media partners

Magazin PC World

Portal All Voronezh

Newspaper Poisk

IT events

IT Terra


About the School

The 4th Russian Summer School in Information Retrieval will be held on September 13-18, 2010 in Voronezh, Russia. The school is co-organized by the Russian Information Retrieval Evaluation Seminar (ROMIP) and Voronezh State University. The previous RuSSIRs took place in Ekaterinburg, Taganrog, and Petrozavodsk.

The mission of the school is to teach students about modern problems and methods in Information Retrieval; to stimulate scientific research in the field of Information Retrieval; and to create an opportunity for informal contacts among scientists, students and industry professionals. The Russian Conference for Young Scientists in Information Retrieval will be co-located with the school.

The main audience of the school is graduate and post-graduate students, young scientists, and professionals who have experience in development of information retrieval applications. The participants are expected to know basics of mathematics and computer science at university program level and have general understanding of problems and methods in Information Retrieval. The school will host approximately 100 participants. The official languages of the school are English and Russian.


03.09.2010 See information about Welcome party & RuSSIR party in Program section and on the map.

02.09.2010 Registration: September 12, 5—7 pm in the lobby of Brno hotel (Plekhanovskaya 9); September 13, 9—11 am in Room 380 in the annex of the main university building (Universitetskaya ploshchad 1A); after this time — in Room 386.

19.06.2010 Results of the selection process will be announced by July 7, 2010 (extended date).

12.05.2010 Young Scientists' Conference deadline is extended till May 23, 2010.

23.04.2010 It turned out that RuSSIR mailbox school at romip dot ru hasn't been working for about two months. Sorry for inconveniences. Now it works, please write to us!

21.04.2010 RuSSIR 2010 has got new sponsors: Google (golden level), HP (silver) θ Rambler (bronze level). Thanks a lot!

29.03.2010 Main school program is online.

11.03.2010 Application form is online.

15.01.2010 Yandex confirmed as golden sponsor, Microsoft Research and SKB Kontur as bronze sponsors.

09.12.2009 Call for Course Proposals is announced.

05.12.2009 Ricardo Baeza-Yates has confirmed as an invited lecturer with the course Web Data Mining.

26.11.2009 The site is open.

Programme Committee

Organizing Committee


Please send all inquiries to school[at]romip[dot]ru.